
Dr Khuong Nguyen

Tooth Subluxation

A tooth that has been somewhat disturbed but not knocked out or totally displaced from the jawbone is said to be in a state of dental subluxation. It's a serious dental injury that needs prompt attention but typically recovers without any intervention. Your dentist may recommend X-rays to help with diagnosis and treatment, depending on the nature of your injury. Most cases of intrusive luxation are managed with flexible splints and careful monitoring.

There are a variety of causes for dental injuries. A sports injury, a tumble in the store, or a car crash are all examples.

Tooth damage can range from minor craze lines on the enamel (common following a sports accident) to severe luxation, in which the tooth is totally knocked out of its socket. A tooth's ability to function and look normal again may depend on the extent of the damage.

Concussions and subluxations are the two most common luxation injuries. Mild trauma, such as that caused by a concussion, can cause some damage to the periodontal ligament fibers, but not enough to cause the tooth to become loose or to shift position in the socket. Tenderness upon touch is possible, as is mild swelling or bleeding of the gums.

The main teeth are particularly vulnerable to dental subluxation, which is a common traumatic injury. The maxillary central incisors are most often affected, and this condition is characterized by aberrant mobility without any breakage or displacement of the tooth.

Dental luxation injuries can range from minor to severe, so it's crucial to get an expert opinion before proceeding with any sort of therapy. Dentists check for loose teeth during an exam by palpating them, and they may also take X-rays to better assess the damage.

The most serious luxation injuries are known as extrusive dental luxations, which occur when the ligaments that hold the tooth in place break down and allow it to move. A tooth's appearance after an injury may differ from its original size. As a result, root tissue loss may occur. Root canal therapy or a flexible splint may be necessary to save the tooth if this happens.

When the connective tissues and ligaments that hold a tooth in place get stretched or torn, this is called a dental subluxation. There are a variety of situations in which this might occur, including sports injuries, car accidents, falls, and so on.

A periosteal flap, a thin tissue with a robust blood supply that nourishes and maintains bone, might get dislodged and connected to the tooth's root as a result.

The tooth may also be dislodged along with this bone if it becomes dislodged. Tapping on such a tooth will reveal a metallic ringing as the tooth appears to be pushed forward or backward by the bone fragment.

The highest opportunity for recovery and tooth retention is achieved when this injury is treated as soon as possible, especially in young children. Restoration of the root and realignment of the broken bone pieces constitute the treatment.

Subluxation of the teeth can injure the pulp, the soft tissue at the center of your tooth. The tooth will perish and need to be pulled if it doesn't heal.

When the tooth is jarred out of its socket, a pulp injury occurs (alveolar fracture). If the nerve is injured or a root canal is delayed, the same thing can happen.

A concussion, a subluxation, and an extrusion are all examples of luxation injuries. The first form, known as a concussion, is when your tooth doesn’t move or loosen but still feels tender to touch and bleeds along the gumline.

Pulp testing or X-rays might be necessary here to determine the source of the problem. While pulp tests are more sensitive than X-rays, a definitive diagnosis may have to wait until your next consultation. Although an initial lack of sensitivity on a test may imply a temporary loss of pulpal response, this is rarely the case.

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